Why Kristan?

As a life long resident of Southern Utah and a teacher for 28 years, Kristan knows what’s best for Utah kids and parents.

Opportunity for All

Kristan believes that ALL children deserve the opportunity to learn

Safe schools

Kristan is dedicated to insuring that ALL children have access to a SAFE school

Access to Funding

Kristan is fighting to provide students in ALL areas of Utah the opportunity to receive adequate funding, state resources and access to educational programs

Quality Teachers

Kristan is working to provide an educational setting that continues to recruit and retain high quality teachers

Educational Choices

Kristan believes that Utah’s public education system that offers students and parents a large variety of options to personalize their education.

Civics in Our Schools

Kristan has managed an elementary civics education program, focused on founding documents and United States history that has spread throughout Washington County.

Kristan Norton

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Kristan Norton is a 28-year veteran teacher in Southern Utah, who is currently running for re-election on the Utah State Board of Education, advocating for equitable resources and reduced testing.